Thursday, March 27, 2014

Colgate Optic White Pen!

I am always a bit of a skeptic when it comes to trying out new teeth whitening products. I haven't had great luck with them in the past and I always feel like they are a waste of my money, until now! I received the Colgate Optic White Tooth Brush and Lightening Pen in the mail from Influenster. It is this really great company that sends you various products to try out based on your eligibility and your influence level. I was very excited to find out I had qualified for this VoxBox and when I received it I immediately opened it and tried it that evening. I liked how clean my teeth felt after and then using the whitening gel pen was exceptionally easy. Usually whitening products are sticky and icky and they don't stay on your teeth, making it difficult to actually receive the whitening results, but I LOVED this. I brushed my teeth before bed and the whitening gel even stayed on easily while I was falling asleep. I have pictures to include with the great results that I got, but I am on vacation and forgot my other camera so when I get back into town I will be including them in this post! 

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